The paper is published in Russian, Kyrgyz, English languages. At the beginning of the paper is UDC. The title of the paper (in Kyrgyz, Russian, and English) should be short — no more than 5-7 words and reflect the essence of the problem under consideration. The paper should be 4 to 15 A4 pages with margins. The total volume of the paper should not exceed 12-15 thousand characters with spaces, including tables, figures and schemes. Review papers based only on literary sources will not be accepted. Papers are accepted only after checking through the Anti-Plagiarism program (the originality of the paper should be at least 70{56e409162558dcea2bb99a83ce86407e56356b05403de8e5cf17497a2e7c8297}).
— The text should be typed in Microsoft Word: Times New Roman font, 12 point font, 1.15 cm spacing, 1 cm paragraph, 2.5 cm top and bottom indentation, 3 cm on the left and 1.5 cm on the right.
— UDC (top left), spaced in bold type in the center, the full name of the author(s). The name of the organization where the author (s) works is in italics, the title of the paper in capital letters.
— Before the main text, an abstract to the paper should be written in the original language, in English (translation made on computer programs is not accepted) and Kyrgyz languages in the volume of no more than 10 lines and keywords in three languages (6-8 words).
— The text should be edited and include an introduction, materials and methods, research results, discussion, conclusions, and a list of references.
— The titles of sections: introduction, materials and methods, results of the study, discussion, conclusions are in bold without a point.
— Underlining, bold and italics are not allowed in the text of the paper.
— Papers by authors from other organizations are accepted with a cover letter and expert opinion of the organization recommending the paper for publication.